Simple flow implementation guide

Simple flow implementation guide


The simplified flow can be used for text signing and can be initiated by providing the sign scope and the text to be signed, i.e. sign_txt, as query parameters to the authorization request:

GET [authorize_endpoint]... &scope=sign&sign_txt=base64encoded(utf8-string)

The text to be signed must be base64 encoded and provided in the query parameter sign_txt.

The result contains the basic signatures of the merchant and end user, as well as the hash over the received text. The result is contained in the sign_result claim in the ID token.


The following table show the additional claims in the id_token after a simplified flow sign session has been finished.

"sign_result" : {
"endUser" : "MIAGC...",
"merchant" : "MIAGC...",
"hash" : "4oK3g..."

Signatures of the merchant and end user, as well as the hash over the received text.


Simple-text signing allows the end user to sign a predefined text. The result contains the basic signatures of the merchant and end user, as well as the hash over the received text.

Following the regular Authorization Code flow:

StepWhat you doEndpointMethodConsiderationsRemarks

Get the key properties of the OIDC provider


2Build the authorization URL, and redirect the user to the authorization endpointAuthorizeGET

Include sign scope and sign_txt as query parameters.

In the callback, make sure to check for error and matching states

sign_txt is the text to be signed, and must be base64 encoded.

This is where the end user interacts with BankID.

(warning) Note that sign_txt has a limit of 150 characters. Use the SEID-SDO flow if the text length exceeds this limit. BankID on mobile has a limit of 118 characters.

3Exchange authorization code for tokensTokenPOST

Check matching state and nonce in callback.

The ID Token will contain signed data in sign_result claim.

4Fetch our public keys and use these to validate token signaturesJwkGET

Example sign_result claim:

"sign_result" : 
"endUser" : "MIAGC...",
"merchant" : "MIAGC...",
"hash" : "4oK3g..."

Sequence diagram

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